YWA Center


A new year to travel around the sun requires a focus on the center of that traversal.

Yoga With Adriene is anchoring YouTube to that center with this year’s 30 Day Yoga Journey.

I’ll be attaching my raft to YWA’s 2023 journey, and I hope to float into 2023 along with you.

Even as I become better at yoga, I find following along with these videos immensely helpful. The content is beginner friendly and offers modifications for further improvement. While I can now practice some of the challenging asanas, I also benefit from the beginner content. It helps me check my form and ensures that I do not forget the basics.

Adriene practicing a modified boat pose on a Manduka mat with a large potted plant in the background. The image is contained within a circle on a grey background with the words 'I'm In' followed by 'Yoga with Adriene' above the circle and 'A 30 Day Yoga Journey' above the word 'Center' all of which are below the circle.